About the Artist
To Roger Day, everyone is a superhero, INVINCIBLE! in the face of challenges big and small.
Now more than ever, kids need to find the power to deal with life’s challenges. We may all be looking for a superhero to save the day, but Roger Day reminds us that our true power lies within.
Day, the Nashville-based, nationally touring and multiple award-winning singer-songwriter, hopes the songs on "Invincible!" inspire children to “solve the problem” and “save the day” using their own imagination and skills – no imaginary superheroes needed.
Invincible Quotes

“Roger Day has created a super album centered around superheroes. However, the way Day sees it, you don’t need a caped crusader to be a superhero. One of the extraordinary things about this exceptional album is how Day illustrates the many ways that an ordinary person can do something super. The title track triumphantly leads off the album with a tune that promotes reading while extolling the mighty power of your imagination. Similarly, “Solve The Problem, Save The Day” champions the power of critical thinking while “Big Picture” underscores the importance of investigative thinking. Day explores superheroic side of normal life in the heartfelt “Love Is My Superpower” and the amusing “I’ll Be Your Superhero” as well as saluting bus drivers, nurses, coaches, and cooks for their vital work in “The Everyday Superhero Song.” He also includes some super tunes that don’t have “super” in their title; “Get A Robot First,” “Little Ants,” and “Me & My Jetpack” are humorous, fanciful numbers that add to Invinicible’s superhero motif. Much like Justin Roberts, Roger Day delivers a knockout one-two musical punch of sweetness and smarts in his music that makes Invinicible an unbeatable album.”
“His music changes lives and inspires kids to tap into their greatness! I am honored to be on his new cd and to have collaborated on BIG PICTURE. It’s all about discoveries, asking questions and being a citizen scientist taking care of the earth. Give it and all of his other songs a listen."
- Susan Verde, New York Times Bestselling Author, "I Am" Series

"Many children’s music releases these days are focused on distraction from the world outside. Roger doesn’t deal directly with the pandemic, but he assures kids that they can master their own destinies. Songs like “Solve the Problem, Save the Day” and “The Everyday Hero Song” encourage children to think for themselves. Album-closer “Love Is My Super Power” reminds the most self-reliant child that they are not alone, and that we can all work together to get through the day. Parents may not be invincible, but “Invincible!” affirms that there are modern-day heroes walking amongst us every day." - Jeffrey Cohen, GeekDad
"Invincible! is a charming children's music album with an important message - that one's own imagination and skills are the key to meeting life's challenges head-on, and that these qualities are far more powerful than any fictional super hero! An upbeat collection with a powerful, positive theme, Invincible! is highly recommended for both family and public library children's music collections." - Midwest Book Review

About the Album
Roger Day here. Thanks for listening to my new album. I'm proud of the hard work everyone put into bringing these hopeful, optimistic - and I hope fun! - songs to life. I hope you enjoy them!
This whole project started off as a single song for a library show. Then just sort of grew from there. As I kept writing it became clear that the key to being a superhero is…you don’t really need to be a superhero. You’ve already got everything you need to solve the problem and save the day in your heart, your brain and most importantly your imagination.
My favorite line on the whole CD - maybe of my whole career - is when I sing “life is full of problems, but it’s full of answers too.” This is something I truly believe. And it’s the message that I hope kids will remember most.
There are some amazing Nashville players who do great work on these songs.
Chas Williams, who’s played with everyone from Wynonna to Nanci Griffith, did all the recording, mixing and guitar playing. We recorded the entire project at his studio in Brentwood, TN. (By the way, he literally wrote the book on the Nashville Number System. He also created the app that goes with it.)
Ron de la Vega, plays bass, both electric and upright. Ron has toured the world with The Blue Moon Orchestra, Brenda Lee ("Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree") and Buddy Holly's Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame band The Crickets. And though we didn't use it on this project, he's a world-class cellist too. (Check out his work on my song "Zachary Hated Bumblebees" from my Dream Big! album.)
Dave Hoffner plays all the keyboards. In addition to writing and touring with Michael Martin Murphey ("Wildfire"), Dave has done session work for everyone from Jim Ed Norman to Mandy Barnett. And in a bit of deep Music City trivia, bought Tom T. Hall's grand piano a few years ago. You might hear it on a track or two.
Peter Young plays drums and percussion. Pete toured with Country Music Hall of Fame legend Loretta Lynn for many years and is now the go-to drummer for the Flying Burrito Brothers. Not bad for a guy the grew up in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Josh Castle sings all the harmonies. Though Josh is that rarest of rare creatures...a native Nashvillian!...you can hear the Beach Boys' California in every note. Josh's recently released song "Saltwater" hit #1on TikiPod radio.
Alex McCullough of True East Mastering in Nashville mastered the tracks.
For most of the tracks, we did it totally old school Nashville. We all gathered in Chas’ basement. (Me in the bathroom where the vocals are best of course.) Counted it off…talked about how it was about 2 clicks fast or slow…counted it off again…bass and drums talked about what they were doing on the turn around…guitar and keys talked about who was doing what on the intro…counted it off again…done.
We all just had this joyous feeling that THIS is the way to record…but rarely is anymore. The energy. The feeling. The emotion. There’s just no way to describe it unless you’ve been in the middle of it. And I'm thankful I was!
It was my pleasure to co-write several songs, including the title track, with the aforementioned Josh Castle, who in addition to singing all the harmonies, also created all the graphics, designed my website and has helped me shoot some fun videos.
And in a "bucket list" moment for me, I wrote a song in my living room with New York Times Bestselling Children's Author Susan Verde called “Big Picture”. Her "I Am" series that she wrote with the illustrator Peter Reynolds just crossed the million mark for total sales.

But without a doubt, my favorite co-write was with my oldest son Thomas (that's him playing with me at the LA Times Festival of Books a few years ago.) We wrote the song "I'll Be Your Super Hero" about a kid who's too busy saving the world to think about cleaning his room. Thomas is a 4th year medical student at Vanderbilt University and plans to pursue a career in pediatrics.
My other children got into the act too (part and parcel of the whole "my Dad sings kid songs" gig. You have to sing on the songs. Be in the videos. Say nice things about me to your friends.)
You’ll hear my daughter Marjory and my youngest son Jacob as the background vocalists throughout. (In fact, listen carefully on the "Solve the Problem, Save the Day" outro and they're saying some pretty funny things about critical thinking...and maybe busting on their Dad just a bit.)
Marjory is finishing up an MBA and a Masters in Industrial Science at Univ of Tennessee - yes, she’s smarter than me. And Jacob is finishing up his senior year at Washington & Lee University in Virginia. And - I think mainly to prove that God has a sense of humor - is majoring in accounting.
My wife Jodie is a Speech Language Pathologist who works with our special needs preschoolers at our public schools in Franklin, TN. Though she doesn’t appear on the credits, she is truly the key to the whole operation. I couldn't do what I do without her love and support. We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary this December.
Thanks again for your consideration!
Career Awards & Achievements

During his 20 year career in Family & Children's music Roger Day has earned numerous awards and accolades.
- A four-time Parents' Choice® Gold Award Winner
- National Association of Parenting Publications® Gold Award
- Dove Family Foundation Winner
- NACA Harry Chapin Award for Contributions to Humanity
- #1 Song on XM/Sirius Kids Place Live "I Like Yaks"
- Songs recorded with The Crickets, Indigo Girls, Nanci Griffith
When schools closed last spring during the pandemic, Roger partnered with the Birmingham Zoo in Birmingham, AL to create a series called "Zookeeper's in the House" for their "Virtual Zoo Camp" program.
in 2009. Roger was selected by Georgia Sea Grant to create a STEAM program called "Marsh Mud Madness" to bring awareness to the importance of salt water marshes in our coastal ecosystems. He recorded a live album and DVD in front of an audience of over 1,000 students at The Trustees Theater in Savannah, GA.
In 2014, Roger found himself on the front page of Reddit when someone posted about Skype concerts he did for students and teachers snowed in overnight at their schools during the "Snowpocalypse" in Alabama. Yes...when his phone started blowing up...he really did ask his kids..."What's Reddit?"
For full bio, click here.